Access Denied when trying to open files from the FileBridge drive
You recieve an error
Access Denied You do not have access to view this file, Would you like to request for permission on Sharpoint?
Make sure the FileBridge is mapped, For this example, we will assume it is mapped to drive letter A. Please follow below steps
- Open Microsoft Excel on your local computer
- Go to File --> Options --> Trust Center --> Trust Center Settings --> Trusted Locations
- Place a checkmark on "Allow Trusted locations on my network"
- Click on Add new location
- Click on Browse and select the FileBridge drive (A:) Click OK
- You might be prompted for your gotomyerp username and/or password enter it
- Place a checkmark on "Subfolder of his locations are also trusted"
- Click OK --> OK
- Now try to open the file from FileBridge drive and it should work.
Here is the video demonstration of the above steps
If the issue is not resolved, follow the steps in the below link

Note :
- We strongly advise engaging an IT professional to implement the aforementioned modification
- Prior to enabling the specified option, we encourage you to seek guidance from your IT department should you have any queries.
- If the mentioned option is unavailable, it could be due to a group policy set up by your IT team, and they will be responsible for implementing this change.
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