Excel prompts for FileBridge Credentials

Excel prompts for FileBridge Credentials


When opening an office file (Excel, Word etc.) you get prompted for your FileBridge credentials. This will often happen after a password change.

Solution 1

  1. Click on the Windows icon in the taskbar and start typing "Credential Manager" and open it.
  2. Click on Windows Credentials and look under Generic Credentials for anything that mentions "MicrosoftOffice16_Data:SSPI:hosted\<your username>", like below.

  3. Expand it and click on Remove.
  4. Try opening an Excel file from FileBridge once more. If you are prompted for a password enter your new gotomyerp password.

Solution 2 (For IT Administrators)

A registry key can be added to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE that will automatically pass the required credentials to FileBridge.

Please read and follow the below Microsoft article to add the registry item. The URL that will need to be added to the registry is: https://*.gotomyerp.com.

NOTE: The period is required at the end of the URL. This denotes that the resource is on the internet and not on an internal site (Intranet)
Please restart the "WebClient" service or reboot the computer after the change.

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