gotomyerp RemoteApp network bandwidth - general guidelines - if you can't test your own

gotomyerp RemoteApp network bandwidth - general guidelines (if you can't test your own)

If you do not have the time or capability to run the network bandwidth tests for gotomyerp RemoteApp, here are some fairly generic guidelines that can help you estimate network bandwidth per user.

If you have a mix of these scenarios, we don't recommend anything less than (or equal to) 10 MB/s as the MINIMUM network bandwidth for modern Internet-connected apps in a remote environment. (Although, as discussed, this will not guarantee a better than average user experience.)

Complex Intelligence and Graphic Intensive Reports

gotomyerp RemoteApp does best on 100 MB LAN. At the 10 MB/s network profile, when jitter above 120 ms is more than 5%, the user will see an average experience. At 1 MB/s the different is glaring - for example, in a slide show, the user might not see animated transitions at all because frames are skipped.

Internet Explorer, mixed PDF, PDF, Text

10 MB/s network profile is close to LAN in most aspects. 1 MB/s will provide an OK experience, although there may be some jitter when a user scrolls while there are images on the screen.

ERP Applications using regular screens (S/O, P/O, etc...)

This is a low-bandwidth usage scenario. At 256 KB/s we provide as good of an experience as LAN.

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