How to Optimize FileBridge File Transfers

How to Optimize FileBridge File Transfers


While most files in the FileBridge storage location can be moved into and out of it without any additional configurations, sometimes, transferring larger files (Like a Quickbooks QBB Backup, for example), could fail.
In this solution, you will learn how to Optimize the FileBridge storage to allow file transfers up to 4Gb.

AppDashboard Client

If you are using the new AppDashboard client, the same option can be found under "More Tools" > "Optimize"

Important Notes

  1. In order to run the "Optimize" process, you must have local administrator privileges on your workstation. Please consult with your IT department if you don't know whether you have that privilege.
  2. You must reboot your workstation after you apply this changes, so that the larger file support takes effect.
  3. When the optimize is enabled, it will allow you to transfer files as large as 4Gb. This option will allow you to browse folders that have a file number larger than 10,000.
  4. While the Optimize option will allow you to download or upload a file of a larger size, what you can transfer is still limited by:
    1. The FileBridge quota available to you: The available free space must be larger than the file you are trying to copy from/to FileBridge
    2. The FileTypes you are attempting to transfer. Certain file types are not allowed on FileBridge for security reasons. (What files types are not allowed on FileBridge?)