How to Prepare your QuickBooks Company File for an Upgrade

How to Prepare your QuickBooks Company File for an Upgrade

Upgrade General Info:

Before any major upgrade to your Quickbooks software. We highly recommend going through the steps to prepare your company file, in order to avoid any issues going forward.
When we refer to "Major Upgrade", it means that you would, for example, be upgrading from QuickBooks Enterprise v16 to QuickBooks Enterprise v18.
This article will guide you through some of the steps that we recommend before performing the upgrade. 
gotomyerp will perform the upgrade, on both your Quickbooks software,  and update your Company Files. 

In addition, please note that any company file converted to Enterprise from a Pro or Premier version can no longer be converted back.
Diclaimer About Quickbooks Major Upgrades:
Even though gotomyerp performs Quickbooks major version upgrades to your environment, we can only assist with issues as it relates to the functioning of the system. 

Any data related problems resulting from upgrades are the client's responsibility.

Outside consulting is available, priced and scheduled separately.

Preparing The Company File For Converting

  • Before we attempt to convert the company file we need to double check the data for errors. If you fail to double check for errors you could face some nasty problems later on down the road.
  • Ensure you do not have any non-alphanumeric characters in the name of the company file (!@#$%^^&*)
  • Resort all six of the major lists (Vendors, Employees, Customers, Items, Chart of Accounts, and Other Names)
    • Vendors, Employees, & Customers - Go to each of their respective lists
      by clicking the icon on the top bar. When viewing the list go to View > Re-sort List
    • Other Names - Go to List > Other Names List and then click View > Re-sort List
    • Items - Go to List > Item List and click Account in the bottom left, the last option is Re-sort List
    • The Chart of Accounts - Go into the Chart of Accounts and click Account in the bottom left, the last option is Re-sort List
  • Reset the admin password and the password hint
  • Rebuild the data - Read up on rebuilding your company date here at Intuit
  • Verify the data - Read up on verifying the data here at Intuit
  • Read the QBWin.log file and search for any errors - Read up on the QuickBooks log file here

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