How to download a QuickBooks backup to FileBridge

How do I download a Quickbooks backup to my local workstation?

In order to download a backup of your Quickbooks file, you can simply perform a backup, and save it to the G: drive, and then pick it up from your FileBridge group drive.
Please watch the video below for the step by step to do so.

Please note the following cautions and limitations:
  • Your Quickbooks data file needs to be within the Quota limit of your FileBridge group or user drive. By default, the Free FileBridge has a 3Gb quota for the group, and 1Gb for each user.
  • Normally, your workstation can download a file up to 50 Mb in size from FileBridge. If you receive an error regarding the "file size limit exceeded" while downloading your file, please take a look at this article to resolve, and increase the file size limit up to 4Gb.
  • When trying to save a Portable File (QBP, not a Backup file) or an Accountant's copy (QBX), you might receive the following below error:
    Note 1: You may not have sufficient permissions to create a portable company file from this computer. Please try creating the portable company file from the server: (SERVER_NAME)
    If you receive the above error please contact support and we can upgrade your configuration to accommodate the above.
  • To access the backup file just created, make sure your FileBridge drive is mapped on your AppDashboard.

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