Resolving AppDashboard Download or Setup Issues Caused by Anti-Virus or Security Software

Resolving AppDashboard Download or Setup Issues Caused by Anti-Virus or Security Software


Users may experience issues where the download or setup of AppDashboard is blocked by their anti-virus or security software. This blockage often occurs due to the software erroneously detecting the AppDashboard as malware. Such issues primarily stem from settings within the antivirus or security software or possibly from perimeter security appliances.


Understanding the Issue

The AppDashboard setup file is secure and any alerts indicating it as malware are false positives. Resolving this issue involves verifying the setup file's authenticity.

Verifying the Code Signing Certificate

  1. Locate the Setup File : Right-click on the AppDashboard setup file.
  2. Properties : Choose Properties from the context menu.
  3. Digital Signatures Tab : Go to the 'Digital Signatures' tab.
  4. Details:  Click on 'Details' to view the digital certificate.
  5. Certificate Verification:  Confirm the certificate is valid and issued to gotomyerp, LLC. 

Validating the Setup File using MD5 Hash

  1. Find the MD5 Hash : Visit the AppDashboard Release Notes page. Find the MD5 hash for your AppDashboard version.
  2. Check the MD5 Hash of the Downloaded File using:
    Command Prompt
    • Open Command Prompt.
    • Navigate to where the setup file is.
    • Type CertUtil -hashfile setup.exe MD5 and press  Enter .
    • Open PowerShell.
    • Navigate to the setup file's directory.
    • Type Get-FileHash setup.exe -Algorithm MD5  and press  Enter .
  3. Compare the Hashes:The displayed MD5 hash should match the one on the release notes page. A match confirms the file's authenticity and safety.

Adding a Malwarebytes Exception

For users experiencing issues specifically with Malwarebytes, refer to our dedicated Knowledge Base article:  Adding a Malwarebytes Exception   This guide provides detailed steps on how to add an exception in Malwarebytes, which can resolve issues preventing the launch or configuration addition of AppDashboard.

Adding a ZScaler Appliance Exception

To whitelist AppDashboard in ZScaler, including both its IP addresses and executable:
  1. Gather IP Addresses: Obtain the specific IP addresses provided by gotomyerp Support. These will vary for each customer.
  2. Locate AppDashboard Executable: The default path is generally C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\[unique path]\App Dashboard.exe. Due to the Click-Once deployment, this path will be different for each user profile.
  3. ZScaler Whitelisting Process:
    1. Log into the ZScaler admin console.
    2. Go to the "Policy Management" section.
    3. To whitelist IP addresses:
      1. Add new whitelist entries for the provided IP addresses.
    4. To whitelist the executable:
      1. Navigate to the section where you can create or modify application control policies.
      2. Create a new policy or modify an existing one to include an exception for the AppDashboard executable. You'll need to specify the executable's name, "AppDashboard.exe", recognizing that the full path varies per user.
    5. Apply these settings to the relevant user profiles or groups.


By following these verification steps, users can confidently resolve false malware detection issues and ensure they are using a secure version of AppDashboard.

Useful Article :
After the AppDashboard is installed and you unable to launch it, here is how to check if Antivirus is terminating the AppDashboard